Longview’s Matthew McConaughey Turned Down Guardians Of The Galaxy
Guardians Of The Galaxy is easily one of my favorite movies. I didn't expect it to be so much fun! I was a fan of Chris Pratt already, due to his stint on Parks And Rec. I had no idea he could pull of such a huge movie. It was loaded with action, comedy, and all of the comic booky goodness that I crave from a marvel movie. Could it be better if we added this guy?
The Playlist is reporting that Matthew McConaughey recently did not say alright, alright, alright to a major villain role in Guardians Of The Galaxy:Vol 2. The Longview, TX native gave two main reasons for the thanks-but-no-thanks. First off, he's focusing on his role as "The Man In Black" (AKA the Devil), in the upcoming Steven King adaptation of The Dark Tower. Secondly, The Dark Tower is a universe in it's infancy and not one he will have to join after the fact.
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