Work with DigitalMunchies, they said. It will be fun, they said.

Let me start by saying clearly I have made excellent life choices up to this point. In fact, to think about the fact that every single decision I've made in my life up to this point has led me to this moment, is truly astounding.

Yes, every decision ultimately led me to Bossier City, where my friends and I wore a hidden fart machine all day long.

Josh and Melissa Munds with DigitalMunchies, who are clearly evil geniuses, had the greatest idea. They bought two fart machines and decided they would strap them up to a group of their friends and film the aftermath from a safe distance.

All kidding aside, I had an absolute blast in this video, and part of me hopes that I lose the challenge so that I would be forced to be featured in another DigitialMunchies video in the future.

Check it out!


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