What’s a Russian Manicure and Can I Get One in Shreveport?

Russian manicures are all the rage on TikTok, but they're somewhat controversial. The manicure technique came out of Russia and spread quickly to Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan. Celebrities like Kendall Jenner, Hailey Bieber, and Jasmine Tookes swear by the technique, but what is it?
A Russian manicure is essentially a dry manicure. There's no soaking in water or acetone involved. Instead, a nail drill is used to remove old polish or gel and is also used to remove the cuticle.
That doesn't sound so bad, right? Well, a lot of people have a problem with 'Russian' anything right now. In fact, in some places locally, you can't get a 'White Russian' daiquiri anymore due to the invasion of Ukraine. Sure, they still serve the drink because it's good, they just call it something else. The second reason why the Russian manicure is controversial is that some experts say it's dangerous. Because the polish is applied deep under the cuticle, it opens up the eponychium, which is the body's natural barrier between the nail and epidermis and protects against exposure to bacteria. So yes, having a Russian manicure could make you susceptible to infection. After all, we use our hands to touch EVERYTHING!
However, proponents of the Russian manicure say that there is little danger of infection and that the use of drills is done by experts so there's little chance of making the nail thinner or more brittle. They also say that because the polish is applied so much higher, your manicure can last up to four weeks. The downside is that a true Russian manicure can take up to two hours.
Obviously, before seeking out a nail tech that will give you a Russian manicure, you have to weigh the pros and cons. When we tried to find a salon in Shreveport-Bossier City that offered the manicure we came up empty. They are offered in Dallas if you're willing to make the drive, but they're not cheap. Most of the prices I saw started in the $70 range.
I won't lie, I'm torn about getting one. Having my nails done is definitely a luxury I don't treat myself to often, but the results look fantastic! Would you get a Russian manicure if the service was offered to you? Inquiring minds want to know! Shoot me an email at erin.bristol@townsquaremedia. or send me a 'chat' through our app!
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