Afternoon Seatbelt, Safety Checkpoint Scheduled for Shreveport

The Shreveport Police Department is on the hunt for drivers who aren't buckled up!
When is the Shreveport Police Department holding its next seatbelt safety checkpoint?
The Shreveport Police Department will hold a seatbelt checkpoint this Friday, March 1, 2024, from 2 - 8 pm at an undisclosed location somewhere in the southwestern portion of Shreveport, LA.
No, Shreveport Police aren't setting up a blockade just so they can write a bunch of tickets for seatbelt violations to make money for the city. They know that seatbelts save lives. We've heard it for years and it's true. NHTSA, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, says that wearing your seatbelt in the front passenger seat can limit your chances of a moderate to fatal injury in a wreck by 50% and death by 45%. A lot of us drive trucks in Shreveport-Bossier and according to AAA, wearing your seatbelt in a light truck limits your risk of critical injury by 60%. I don't know about you, but I like to hedge my bets, and wearing a seatbelt is a no-brainer.
The Shreveport Police Department’s Field Services Bureau and Traffic Division will hold the seatbelt checkpoint this Friday, March 1, 2024, from 2 - 8 pm. The campaign is a concerted effort to target drivers not wearing seatbelts, but it's not limited to this offense. In short, if you're driving drunk, you're going to be charged with DWI, etc...
The funds to conduct the sobriety checkpoint are thanks to a grant from the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission.
Citizens are always encouraged to report suspected impaired drivers or other safety issues on the road. The Shreveport Police Department can be reached by calling (318) 673-7300 or 911 in case of emergency.
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