Shreveport Ranked 9th Worst City in USA for Singles
Basically if you're single in Shreveport, you're screwed.... And not in a good way.
Another week, another WalletHub national survey that puts Shreveport at the bottom of a list. This week, they published a survey finding the best cities in America for singles.
To find the best and worst cities, they compared 182 U.S. cities using three key metrics. Those metrics were economics, fun & recreation, and dating opportunities.
Here's how Shreveport ranked using their break-down:
The Dating Scene in Shreveport (1=Best; 91=Avg.)
- 41st – Share of Singles
- 170th – Online Dating Opportunities
- 166th – Mobile Dating Opportunities
- 119th – Restaurants per Capita
- 52nd – Restaurant-Meal Costs
- 102nd – Nightlife Options per Capita
- 53rd – Movie Costs
- 149th – Crime Rate
The good news after looking at their results as that Shreveport is actually above average when it comes to number of singles in the area and costs of dates. The bad news is that we're near last when it comes to online and mobile dating options and crime.
Overall, their study found that Shreveport is the ninth worst city in America to live in while being single.
To dive into their full article, click HERE.