Simple Church Gears Up For Easter Services With Live Crowds
It's been a little over a year since Simple Church has had a full, live crowd. I can't think of a better time to welcome everyone back than Easter weekend.
Yesterday, I had the privilege of visiting with Simple Church pastor Justin Haigler at the Brookshires Grocery Arena. Before we go into the details of their Easter weekend at the BGA, I would just like to point out that this man is one of my favorite on the planet. I've worked countless weddings with Justin where he officiates and I play music. He is always an absolute joy to be around. He's one of the most genuine and caring guys I've ever known, and I'm so happy for him and Simple Church going into this huge weekend.
Luckily for me, Justin was nice enough to give me a tour of the BGA and go over all of their plans for Easter. First and foremost, safety of the congregation is of the upmost importance, and it was obvious right off the bat that Justin, Simple Church, and the Brookshires Grocery Arena will make sure that everyone in attendance feels safe. After all, not only is this the first service for Simple Church in over a year with a live crowd, but it's also the first large-scale event help at the newly named Brookshire's Grocery Arena. This weekend, the arena will open up upper-level seating, giving them 14,000 seats available. Of course, of those seats, only half will be available to the general public. They have already closed off every other row, and will also implement a fun way for the congregation to practice social distancing in their rows, which will be explained during the pre-show.
They'll hold two Easter services. The first being held Saturday night at 6:00 PM. Their Easter Sunday service will begin at 11:00 AM, with an Ester Egg hunt taking place outside of the arena that morning.
Since safety is their priority, this year they are asking anyone who will be attending either Easter service to grab their tickets online. Of course, they are completely free, and give both the Simple Church and the Brookshire's Grocery Arena a way of keeping things as safe as possible.
For those tickets and more information on Easter with The Simple Church, click HERE.
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