Survey Says Half of Your Friends Would Flirt With Your Partner
When it comes to who you should date and who you shouldn't - there are two types of people: Those that care about what others think and those that don't. For example, we've all had that "friend" that swooped in on your ex as soon as it was over (or sooner in some cases) - that person clearly doesn't care what anyone (especially you) thinks about their choices. Seeing that the unspoken rules that govern this kind of thing can end longstanding friendships in an instant, the folks that sell naughty bedroom items at EdenFantasys commissioned a study on just who is and who isn't socially acceptable for you to date.
2,000 Americans were surveyed about their "taboo" crushes, and the results don't disappoint. More than half of the participants (57%) lusted after someone they shouldn't have by their own standards. I think that means more than half of us are naughty, and we know it. On top of that, 1 in 3 of those people acted on feelings for a crush they themselves considered "off-limits!"
The person considered most off-limits is a friends partner, but the disturbing part is: Only 50% said this was a no-no - potentially, half of your friends would make a run at your sweetie. 46% of respondents said they wouldn't flirt with anyone in a relationship. The rest of the forbidden lovers list makes sense, but the low numbers surprise me - According to SWNS Digital, only 28% of people think getting with a co-worker is a bad idea - even though 1 in 3 admitted that they had lost a job because of a workplace fling.
Here's the rest of the top 10 romantically off-limits crushes and the shockingly low percentage of those surveyed that think it would be a bad idea to go after them:
Friend’s partner 50%
Someone in a relationship 46%
Friend’s ex-partner 40%
Parent’s friends 40%
Boss 40%
Ex-partner’s sibling 38%
Teacher 38%
Ex-partner’s friend 34%
Somebody 20+ years older/younger than you 32%
Co-worker 28%
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