It seems like everyone in Europe is drunk, all the time. When the wrong people drink a little too much, bad things happen. Lucky for us, when bad things happen in 2016, someone is always there to film it.

We'll start in England where apparently some guy drank a half gallon of vodka all by himself and went completely bonkers. He jumped on some random guy's hood and started yelling at him. Her then took it up a notch and tried to punch a hole in his windshield!!!

Look at this!




It was a bad week over in Europe because another idiot did something stupid. Some guy apparently thought it would be a good idea to pick a fight with a track hoe.

This is 2016's David vs. Goliath.

This poor man truly never stood a chance, but he wasn't backing down from the enormous machine. The video ends with the police finally showing up and putting an end to the craziness.

Watch this!!



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