Unique Cat in Louisiana Looking for Furever Home
A unique cat in Louisiana is looking for its furever home and needs your help.
"Tiny", as she has been named, is a great lesson in "don't judge a book by its cover". Tiny's appearance might lead you to believe that she would have a bitter disposition but, according to Animal Aid for Vermilion, nothing could be farther from the truth.
Tiny's story goes a little like this: though she is a full-grown cat, she only weighs about 3 pounds (hence: Tiny!). I'm not certain how she came about having such a unique look and, quite frankly, I don't think it matters. What matters is that we find this sweet young lady a home she can call her own.
She's been fighting an ear infection for a while now, but is being medicated and is on the mend. AAVA is hoping to get some donations to help settle up for her treatment and, more importantly, they are hoping to find someone who has a place in their heart where Tiny can curl up and get comfortable.
If you'd like to help provide Tony and others like her a better opportunity, please consider donating to AAVA or your local animal shelter. And also consider opening your home to adopting or fostering some of these sweet animals.
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