What Are the Chances for a White Christmas in the Ark-La-Tex?
Wouldn't it be great to wake up to a winter wonderland on Christmas day?
There's just something so magical about a white Christmas. Isn't that why we sing about it at this time of year? I grew up in the mountains of California and on occasion we would have snow around Christmas, but most of our white stuff would come after the new year. I remember being snowed in on Easter one year and we couldn't get to church.
Instead we made snow angels...
Is there a chance that we could see a white Christmas in the Ark-La-Tex? The short answer is no. The long answer is that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration studied some historical averages to determine the odds of snow coming our way in a few weeks. Even though they only listed a few select cities in their report, it looks like we're out of luck.
Judging by the fact that Dallas has a 0.6 percent chance of snow and New Orleans has a flow zero percent, I'd say the Ark-La-Tex has similar chances.
I will offer this up to you though. NOAA looked at averages from 1981-2010. That's eight years ago. I'd like to think that our chances may have gone up in that time, even just a little. Not to mention, Christmas miracles do happen... So I'm hoping, wishing, praying and crossing every finger I've got.
What do you say, are you with me?
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