Why Am I Dressed Like This? [PHOTO]
This morning, I found myself in a very odd position.
I was sent a text informing me to be at Party Central by 10:30 AM wearing over-the-top golf attire. Naturally, I asked no questions.
So, at 9:00 AM, I was strolling through the aisles at Goodwill in Bossier, trying to somehow put together an "over-the-top" golf attire, and I thing I did just that. The problem with dressing like this, is that we live in Shreveport and we're in August.
What followed was two hours of the weirdest experience of my life. This experience included licking golf clubs, getting shamed by friends, and awkward mic-drops.
So just what in the heck did I do today? I'm still trying to figure that out myself, but something tells me the Lovely Schmucks will have the answer for all of us next week.
Until then, enjoy this photo showing my enthusiasm.