Why Is Sober Dating on the Rise in Shreveport?
My Friend Decided to Avoid Alcohol Until She Finds Love.
My friend and I both share our hilarious dating stories with each other. Let's call her Becky for the purpose of this story. Becky and I both broke off our engagements around the same time. Since then we have both been actively dating and realized the dating pool is rough out here in Shreveport-Bossier. So we get together often and vent and mainly share some horrid first-date stories.
I've Never Considered Alcohol to Be a Factor in My Dating Woes.
Imagine my surprise when one of my favorite martini buddies hit me with "Hey I'm going to quit drinking for a while, I want to be sober when I go on dates, I don't want to keep repeating this weird cycle." It's almost like the universe wanted me to look into sober dating after this conversation with Becky.
Vice Published an Article That Has Gained Traction Among "Young People".
Basically, Americans in their mid 20's to mid-'30s are choosing to forgo alcohol on dates. Bumble released a survey claiming that “dry dating” is becoming a common practice and 62 percent of its users prefer going on dates without alcohol. Most of the users claimed that "dry dating" increases the chances of "forming genuine human connections."
The Vice Article Covered How Many People Go About Dry Dating Without Making it Awkward.
Basically, you don't pick a place where alcohol is an option. So, my biggest fear is that a man will choose to go on a hike for the first date and this was recommended. The idea is you choose a place that allows you to discover more about the person you're with instead of letting alcohol influence your decisions.
My friend "Becky" has started choosing spots locally where she doesn't have to worry about ordering a drink, she loves Rhino Coffee, and Bayou Axe, and she even went to play a round of golf with a date. She is dedicated to keeping an open mind to who she dates but also wants to be alert and not be influenced by alcohol.
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