Will Anything Change Without a Mask Mandate?
I got into a little mini-argument with a co-worker about this, so I wanted to get your opinion.
As many of you know, Louisiana will remove it's mask mandate tomorrow. Along with the doing away with our mask mandate, Governor John Bel Edwards also announced there will be no size restriction for outdoor events, and indoor events can operate at 100% capacity if everyone inside is masked up.
So, with all of the celebration I've seen and heard today in regards to this big announcement, I have to ask, will anything even change.
Look, let's be completely honest with each other here. When you leave your house and you go out and about, do you see most people wearing masks? I know I don't. In fact, the only places that I routinely see a majority of people wearing a masks would be places like Target and big-chain restaurants like Buffalo Wild Wings and Chili's. So what really changes for us in Louisiana? I think most people abandoned their masks months ago, and the ones who where a mask generally do so because the business (usually corporate-owned) demand they wear one to shop. So, what changes? Those large companies don't operate under Louisiana law. These places where you see most people wearing masks call their own shots.
My point is, while it is worth celebrating that we are inching closer to normal, our mask mandate being removed won't much of a change, if a change at all, for Louisianians.
The ones who have been wearing masks will continue to do so, and those who were never on board will continue to not wear them.
What do you think?> Will anything change now that we don't have a mask mandate?
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