Willis-Knighton Restricts Patient Visits
To help stop the spread of the COVID-19, a lot of things have changed. In fact, Willis-Knighton is changing their procedures for staff and visitors. Only those deemed vital and essential to the care of patients will have access in the hospital. Visitor policies will also change for the foreseeable future.
Below is a statement released by the health care provider:
In accordance with Louisiana Department of Health guidelines, Willis-Knighton is restricting visitors at all of its hospitals as well as skilled nursing facilities and senior residential location. Access is restricted to people who are deemed essential, vital or necessary to the care and well-being of patients or residents. Visitation restrictions are in place and will include a screening of all visitors based on the following criteria for anyone who:
· Has signs or symptoms of a respiratory infection, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath or sore throat as assessed by the facility;
· In the last 14 days, has had contact with someone with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, or is under investigation for COVID-19 or has been or is currently ill with respiratory illness;
· Has been on international travel within the last 14 days to countries with sustained community transmission of COVID-19; or
· Is residing in a community where community-based spread of COVID-19 is occurring.
Access restrictions at Willis-Knighton apply to:
· Willis-Knighton Medical Center
· Willis-Knighton South & the Center for Women’s Health
· WK Bossier Health Center
· WK Pierremont Health Center
· WK Rehabilitation Institute
· The Oaks of Louisiana, including Tower, Garden Apartments, Savannah and Health Center at Live Oak.
· WK Extended Care Center
· WK Progressive Care Center
For standards specific to the hospitals, skilled nursing or senior residential location, please review the visitor standards on the following websites:
Hospitals and Extended Care Center—wkhs.com
The Oaks of Louisiana – oaksofla.com
Progressive Care Center – wkprogressivecare.com
Family contact is encouraged through telephone. Those with special circumstances should contact the administrator at a specific location for requests.
This action is being taken to limit the spread of COVID-19 among the hospital and senior location populations most vulnerable to the virus.
To keep up to date with all the latest developments involving COVID-19, the Caddo Parish Department of Homeland Security and State of Louisiana is offering the following resources for residents: