weight loss

Tapping For Weight Loss? [VIDEO]
Tapping For Weight Loss? [VIDEO]
Tapping For Weight Loss? [VIDEO]
This may sound ridiculous, but tapping on your face just might help you lose weight. Okay, it might be a little more involved than that, but not much. I don't care how ridiculous it all sounds, if it works, you know I'll be screaming it from the roof tops...
Scientific Weight Loss Tips [VIDEO]
Scientific Weight Loss Tips [VIDEO]
Scientific Weight Loss Tips [VIDEO]
I have been working out like crazy for the new year. I found a trainer and he kicks my butt twice a week and offers an additional boot camp session on Saturdays. Ever since he got a hold of me, no liquid other than water has passed my lips.
Can a Pair of Glasses Trick You Into Eating Less? [VIDEO]
Can a Pair of Glasses Trick You Into Eating Less? [VIDEO]
Can a Pair of Glasses Trick You Into Eating Less? [VIDEO]
For years, many diet experts have advised using smaller plates for our food. By doing so, normal portions look bigger and thus fool us into thinking we’ve eaten more than we have. Now a group of Japanese researchers have taken that idea one further — they’ve created goggles that make food look larger.
Day 1: Not Bad… And No One’s Dead
Day 1: Not Bad… And No One’s Dead
Day 1: Not Bad… And No One’s Dead
So last night, I'm hoping I started the beginnings of a new, healthier life style. Truth is, it's been almost 17 hours since I've had a cigarette and that's pretty darn cool... and no one has been harmed so far in the process!
Hypnotherapy? I’m Hoping It Works! (VIDEO)
Hypnotherapy? I’m Hoping It Works! (VIDEO)
Hypnotherapy? I’m Hoping It Works! (VIDEO)
There are two things I've struggled with personally for a long time: Smoking and my weight. I'm the first one to tell you that smoking is a nasty habit... and I'm a smoker. I don't want to be, but I am. Plus, I've taken off the weight to put it back on more times than I can count.