5 Ways to Stay Cool During Shreveport’s Hottest Week of the Year

With the hottest week of the year barreling right at us, it's time to prepare. Unless, of course, you like stewing in your own juices as the mercury on the thermometer reaches for those triple digits.
So, what are you going to do to stave off the oppressive heat Mother Nature has in store for us? If you are at a loss, don't worry! I've gathered up 5 easy tips to help keep you from over heating during the dreaded "Dog Days of Summer."
One small caveat before we start the cooling down process: These are not the only ways you can keep your personal temperature regulated. If you know of a sure-fire way to beat the heat, don't be afraid to speak up! It would be awesome to add about 20 more ways to keep from sizzling like a piece of bacon in the pan under this unforgiving Louisiana sun!
5 Ways to Stay Cool in the Shreveport Heat
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