Last night I went over to my friend's house like I do every night and my dog Olive got to play with her dog buddy Gunnar. The problem? Mud, mud was everywhere. In fact, the mud was so bad my dog had to have two baths. We had just bathed her and she snuck back out again. When I tell you it was the worst mess ever, I am not exaggerating. I was so annoyed and ticked off. When will this rain finally stop?

This weather makes me want to crawl in bed and finish my latest Netflix binge-worthy show called "Shadow and Bone". The weather is almost depressing, to be honest. I looked at our weather status and it looks like Saturday is the next day we can actually do something outside.

The good news is that there is a silver lining, come next week this time everyone will be planning their Memorial day weekend. Perhaps all this rain isn't the worst thing to happen to us this week. Check out my reasons why:

6 Things To Do While You Wait Out the Rain


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