Best of 2018 Final Round
The end is nigh for the best of the best of 2018. Of course, by "the end" I mean the end of the voting. A week ago, we set out to find the best bartender, DJ, Food Truck, and Band in the Ark-La-Tex. You responded with thousands of votes and helped us determine the top 5 in each category. Now it's time to put these arguments to bed. The final voting for each is underway right now! Vote in each and every one of these wildly important polls below, but don't spot there! Since you get one vote per IP address, you're gonna have to share the dickens out of this! Find friends, family, and co-workers that are as passionate as you are - and make sure they vote (and tell them to share it too).
The polls close on Sunday December 9th at midnight, so don't waste any time! Every vote counts!