It's about time.

I found myself in a tricky situation this week. One that, looking back, I'm sure I put others in over the past year or so, unbeknownst to me. I was in Walgreens this week at the check out counter when a man came up to me, talking literally over my shoulder, asking where he can find the COVID-19 at-home tests. Of course, I hope for my sake that his test came back negative. I have bought around ten at-home COVID tests since they became available, and I never realized while purchasing them that it might scare those around me.

If you don't want to put anyone else in that same situation, now you don't have to. You can now order at-home COVID-19 tests and have them delivered to your home. I would personally recommend ordering them long before you suspect you may have COVID-19, because at least for the time being, you won't get your ordered test in a particular quick timeframe.

The Biden Administration’s Website to order free at-home COVID tests is officially open at Once you order a test, it will be shipped in seven to twelve days. These at-home tests are totally free and are initially limited to four tests per household.

According to their website, you can receive up to eight at-home tests per month, per insured individual, and you can get reimbursed for the extras via your insurance provider.

I like this a lot and give judos to the Biden Administration for making it possible. You can order your tests by clicking HERE.

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