Huh? Why Do You Have to Go In to Walmart for Home COVID Tests?

Now I never claimed to be the brightest, but explain this to me. Why would you have to go inside of Walmart to pick up an at-home COVID test that you ordered online when they offer curbside pickup?
How's that for a riddle? One would assume that if you're looking to purchase an OTV COVID test, you or someone you're close to, is suspected of having COVID-19. So, you could potentially expose their staff and customers by going into the store to pick up the test as opposed to using the curbside delivery service. Right?
Well, that's exactly what happened to me at the Walmart on Airline Drive in Bossier City today. I placed my online order for groceries and said COVID test and when I checked out using the app, it came up as two separate orders but included one total. I shrugged and looked at my confirmation email. The email for the order for the COVID test gave me instructions to go to the in-store pickup area to scan my barcode and receive my purchase. It was just the COVID test that was specified I pick up in-store, that's all.
So I did. I got showered and put on fresh clothes. To be fair, I've been in quarantine all week for two close exposures, so I haven't done much fashion or hygiene-wise. If you want to know the truth, I was a little miffed I had to put on a bra because they were making me go IN the store, but I digress.
Like a responsible citizen, I masked up and marched in on the hunt for my elusive COVID test. After I spent about five minutes on hold waiting for assistance as instructed by an in-store sign, I pushed the big red button that must set off an alarm in customer service. This sweet young lady came jogging out saying we don't do in-store pickups anymore, it's in the drive-through. Say what?!?!? Why in the eff did the email AND THE APP tell me to come in the store? She told me how sorry she was that they hadn't updated the system but they hadn't offered it in months. WTH I mean, it's not her fault, but still.
So I took myself right back to my vehicle and picked up everything at once, as convenient as could be. I'm not being Petty Betty here. I really don't care about having to go into the store, but what if I had been really sick or contagious with this incredibly horrific pathogen? You'd want me outside right?
Just ridiculous. Fix your system, Walmart.
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