How Many Cups of Coffee Are Okay to Consume Every Day?

Hi! My name is Gary and I am a coffee-holic! There, I said it, and I'm okay with it. And for any health freaks that might be reading this, I have no plans of changing my daily intake of this caffeine infused nectar sent directly to me from the gates of Heaven.
Hey, this stuff started off as a healthy little bean. Naturally grown by the Good Lord himself, and once ground into a fine grain, we simply run fresh water (also another naturally occurring gift from God) through it, to make a beverage that will allow us to function as normal human beings as opposed to those ill-mannered coffee nay-sayers who've refused its simple blessings.
Over the years there has been much debate about the pro's and con's of this simple beverage that daily prevents me from going full-tilt and harming myself and anyone between me and the coffee pot, but this latest research might be the best thing coffee achievers world wide could ever want to read.
So, the question for us so passionate about our coffee is not whether or not we continue to drink it daily to help keep us alert, because that's not even up for debate, but what we'd like to know is how many cups can we drink daily without going too far.
According to studyfinds, the magic number is 5. In a research study conducted in Portugal, people who drink three to five cups each day are more alert and have a better memory.
I guess one would want to note that this is a true five cups, as in the real measurement, not some overinflated mug that we've designated a "cup."
There you have it! Hit yourself with up to five cups of Joe each day and maybe you won't be such a morning bear, or if you are, at least you'll remember why.
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