Major Marvel Movie Villain Coming To Shreveport, Louisiana
Shreveport's comic con, Geek'd Con, is heading back to the Shreveport Convention Center. The dates this year are August 18th through 20th, 2023.
Since its start, Geek'd Con has been one of the premiere comic con style events in the state of Louisiana. The event has generated millions of dollars in economic impact to the Shreveport and Bossier City area. Tickets for this year are available here.
This year's guests include Kevin Smith, Brandon Routh, Sam Witwer, John Barrowman, Estelle (and the rest of the Crystal Gems from Steven Universe), Kurt Angle, and more. Along with Kevin Smith, a huge cast reunion for his films will be happening in Shreveport.
Now the lineup gets a big boost from both the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and The Walking Dead. As versatile fan-favorite Ross Marquand joins the Geek'd Con lineup!
Ross portrayed The Red Skull in his Stonekeeper form in some of the most important scenes of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. He appeared in both Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: End Game where he served as the guide for the Soul Stone on Vormir.
But he wasn't done being bad in the MCU after that. Ross then appeared in the amazing MCU show What If...? as both Red Skull, and more importantly, Infinity Ultron. In the series, Marquand's Ultron serves as the "final boss", and an epic villain.
Again, he wasn't done with the MCU...last year, Ross appeared in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness as the Ultron Sentries.
OK, beyond the MCU, Ross has done...more comic book work!
He played the starring role of Aaron in The Walking Dead for 7 season. Aaron was one of the few characters who first appeared in the Walking Dead comics, and kept many of the same traits into the TV show.
How about more comic book work? Because Ross has MORE!
In the series Invincible, Ross currently serves as the voice of The Immortal, the leader of the superhero group Guardians of the Globe. Not only does The Immortal lead that team, but he was also Abraham Lincoln, and a Celtic warrior. You see, because he's immortal. Ross adds another voice to the Invincible cast, where he voices the human form of Rudy Connors.
OK...Ross has done a lot more, but his comic book related resume is just insane...and its still going.
Come meet Ross in Shreveport, at Geek'd Con, this August! Find ticket info at GeekdCon.com