Louisiana Man Steals Electric Shopping Cart to Drive to Bar
Brice Kendell Williams of Denham Springs had a plan. He just didn't have a good plan. Okay, perhaps his judgment may have been just a little clouded when he made that decision to drive away from the Houma Walmart aboard one of the store's electric carts.
That's right, Williams in his alleged intoxicated state allegedly chose to "borrow" the electric shopping cart because he felt that would prevent any issues that might arise should he take his personal car. Based on the fact that he was arrested, Williams was wrong about that too.
Did we mention that Williams' destination in the "borrowed buggy" was a bar located about half a mile or so from the store, I am pretty sure officers took note of that fact too.
Williams has been charged with unauthorized use of a moveable, which is a felony. Williams's bond in the case was set at $2,500.00
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