Houma Graduation Party Crashed by Bigfoot?
Louisiana has it's fair share of ghosts, goblins, and ghouls, or at least it's fair share of rumors about the aforementioned monsters, but according to Natchitoches Parish Sheriff's Office some teens from Houma may have come face to face with the one and only Bigfoot.
A few weeks ago a group of teens decided to celebrate their graduation with a camping trip in the Kisatchie National Forest, around 9:20pm after the group had set up camp they hastily called 9-1-1 to request help after they heard a growl and saw what they claimed to be an animal with glowing eyes standing at 5 feet tall. Deputies arrived to the forest and began their search for the campers while keeping eyes out for any signs of whatever animal could be waiting with it's "glowing eyes." Luckily the Deputies were able to locate the group of teens and escorted them back to civilization and away from whatever creepy creatures of the forest scared the graduates in the first place.
Police report no suspicious activity involving glowing eyes for a growling monster was found in their hike to and from the campsite. The deputies took to Facebook to recount the events of the night and even congratulated the campers on their recent high school graduation, thank them for their visit to the forest, and ultimately wish them good luck in the future.
I'm not going to claim one way or another that these teens actually saw bigfoot or not, but rather ask the question, what if it wasn't bigfoot? What other animal or cryptid could it have been. The easiest answer is probably just a bear, explained away as a bear on it's hind legs with the teens simply exaggerating the glowing eyes big. Though some may be more inclined to believe in the supernatural, and to those I suggest the Rougarou, a Cajun folklore monster with the head of a wolf and the body, who prowls the swamps of Louisiana looking for misbehaving children. If it really was the werewolf of Cajun folklore then maybe he gave up after realizing the group was too old for his hunt as they had all just graduated high school.