Louisiana Scientists Help Generate Interest in Science Careers for Girls
On Thursday, 4 Louisiana scientists will join over 100 other science professionals to raise support for the Earth Science Women's Network. Diana Di Leonardo, Cyndhia Ramatchandirane, Christina Birnbaum, and Molly Keogh will help the non-profit organization that focuses on helping women in geo-science.
A group from around the world will participate in the social media event. They'll each post 12 pictures showing what their day is like during a 12-hour period. The goal is to shine a light on the significant impact women are making everyday in their fields in hopes they will inspire the next (and hopefully larger) generation of female scientists.
Across the board, educators and industry leaders are hoping to interest more girls in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). If you can pass this along to a girl you know that loves to science, I think you would be doing Earth Science Women's Network (and the Earth) a huge service. Find out more here.
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