LSU Health Physician Speaks About Pfizer Vaccine
I think it's best to turn to the experts on subjects we're not fully knowledgable of... I wish folks on my Facebook feed thought the same way.
I'll be totally honest with you guys, I don't know anything about vaccines. All I know is that if I have to take a COVID-19 vaccine for my life to start getting back to normal, count me in, 100%. I, like many of you, can't take another year of this COVID life. I'm losing entirely too much money, and on the emotional level as well.
COVID-19 times are simply stressful, so naturally, when I heard the news of Pfizer's vaccine seeking FDA approval, I was more than overjoyed.
The questions I had right away were;
What does this mean?
What comes next?
Obviously, I play music and talk into a microphone about celebrities and local events for hours every day, so I'm not an expert when it comes to vaccinations... One guy who is, though, is infectious disease specialist Dr. John Vanchiere at LSU Health Shreveport. This week, he spoke about the vaccine provided by Pfizer and how important this is.
He says, "This is very good news, that means this vaccine is more than twice effective as the regular flu vaccine is, that’s really good.”
Pfizer's COVID vaccine effectiveness rate is 95%.
Vanchiere said 44,000 participated in the Pfizer clinical trial worldwide, including 231 people from right here in Shreveport-Bossier.
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