‘Orange Is the New Black’ Is Ending
It is official Orange Is the New Black is ending after season 7 and the internet is losing it. The date of the last season has not yet been announced. However, if it is like the other seasons it will come out sometime in the late spring of 2019.
This was one of my favorite shows on Netflix. While it will suck to see it end, I would rather they end the show now than do what The Walking Dead is doing. Seriously, why is The Walking Dead still on TV? If only The Walking Dead would end in the spring of 2019. Look, I was a fan of the first six seasons of The Walking Dead but seriously, it is time for it to end.
Other Netflix shows ending in 2019 that have been announced are "House of Cards" and "Iron Fist."
Will you miss Orange Is the New Black? Let us know on our Facebook page.