Ribbon Cutting for Ariana Grande’s New Album Held in Downtown Shreveport
Did you attend the well-received Ariana Grande ribbon cutting event last night?
If you were around downtown Shreveport this week, you just may have been approached by two of the hottest things going in our area as of late. The viral-duo that is Josh and Melissa Munds of DigitalMunchies, fresh off their viral "Saints Got Robbed" video, set out to get the city fired up for Grande's new album this week.
So they decided to hold a ribbon cutting event to honor the new music, right here in Shreveport. To promote the event, the two and their crew went all around town passing out banners an invitations for the prestigious, inaugural event.
In attendance, an unknown local politician who helped set the whole thing up, Captain America, and anywhere from 15 to 500 people.
Check out the ribbon cutting below!