Shreveport Ranks As One of the Most Stressed Cities in the U.S.
What are you stressed out about? If you reside in Shreveport you can just say "everything" and we will take it as a fact. Coronavirus has thrown us into a more stressful environment than usual. According to a survey conducted by Wallethub.com 39% of Americans claim that their stress concerning the Coronavirus has made their physical health plummet. Yikes, talk about those poor unused scales tucked away in our bathrooms. It's no secret that self-isolation leads to stress, anxiety and in some cases, weight gain.
Louisiana took a hit when Covid-19 swept through the nation. Our Frontline workers were working around the clock, several essential workers made their way to New Orleans to help treat COVID-19 patients. So it shouldn't be a surprise that Louisiana had 2 cities pop up on the Top 20 Most Stressed-Out Cities list.
Both New Orleans and Shreveport made the list, could we put all the blame on COVID-19? WalletHub might call us on it. They use a method that only people with a higher IQ than I can understand.
"To determine the cities where Americans cope best, WalletHub compared more than 180 cities across 42 key metrics. Our data set ranges from how vulnerable the state is to COVID-19 to average weekly work hours to divorce and suicide rates. Read on for our findings, expert insight, and a full description of our methodology." Wallethub.com
Here are the Top 20 Most Stressed out cities in the Nation:
- Cleveland, OH
- Detroit, MI
- Birmingham, AL
- Gulfport, MS
- Newark, NJ
- Baltimore, MD
- New Orleans, LA
- St. Louis, MO
- Mobile, AL
- Jackson, MS
- Montgomery, AL
- Akron, OH
- Toledo, OH
- Charleston,
- Houston, TX
- Shreveport, LA
- Memphis, TN
- Philadelphia,
- Cincinnati, OH
- Huntington, WV
Check out the complete list of stressed-out cities by clicking here.
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