Shreveport Ranks as One of Worst College Towns in America
While I've never really thought of Shreveport as being a 'college town,' we can't be that bad, can we? After all, Bossier Parish Community College continues to grow by leaps and bounds and Louisiana State University in Shreveport is constantly unveiling new reasons to attend. So what gives?
According to a recent study, WalletHub ranks Shreveport as 2020’s 3rd worst college city in America. Sure, we're not home to LSU's main campus, but we have a lot of great programs in our area. Here's what they found:
Student-Friendliness of Shreveport (1=Best; 208=Avg.)
- 46th – Cost of Living for Young People
- 261st – Quality of Higher Education
- 113th – Cost of Higher Education
- 142nd – Nightlife Options per Capita
- 326th – % of Part-Time Jobs
- 368th – Brain Drain
- 321st – City Accessibility
- 360th – Crime Rate
- 250th – % of Rental Units
- 407th – Students per Capita
Shreveport ranks No. 413 overall and No. 151 among midsize size cities.
That's pretty scary stuff for an area that constantly bemoans the fact that young adults are heading out of state with their educations. What can we do to reverse this trend? Clearly crime and cost of living play a major part, but so does a lack of options when it comes to entertainment. We'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below!
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