Experts Worry As Eviction Protections End Across Louisiana
The State of Louisiana could be on the cusp of a massive housing crisis.
As of today (September 1st, 2020), all of the eviction protections that had been extended by the Federal and State governments have expired. This is going to put extra strain on a state who was just hit by one of the strongest hurricanes to ever make landfall on it's coast.
But the hurricane had nothing to do with the eviction protections. Those were in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which is still ravaging the Louisiana economy. The state of Louisiana has yet to move past Phase 2 of economic reopening, which continues to hold back employees from earning a salary, while continuing to push more people into shrinking unemployment benefits.
Right now there are more than 16 million Americans out of work, and about 30 million at risk of evictions. The longer Louisiana remains in economic shutdown, the worse it will get in the state in these areas.
Gretna attorney Christoph Bajewski talked to about the state's expiring moratorium on evictions. Bajewski spoke specifically about New Orleans area evictions, but referenced the whole state in this response:
“I would expect there will be a swelling of evictions that are going to be coming through. From what I’m seeing in other parts of the state, the number tends to about double"
Some parts of the country predict the evictions bubble could take months to swell based on the rights extended to renters in various states, but Louisiana is much different. The bubble here could swell quickly, because landlords can evict a tenant in only 5 days after only 1 late payment. Which means the state's bubble could only be days away.