How to Celebrate the New Year Incorrectly

Tonight, despite the rain, we will all be telling 2020 to kiss...off. This New Year's celebration will look much different: No parties, crowds, fancy dresses (unless you want to throw a ball in your living room) or tons of other festive activities will mark the end of one of the worst years on record.
That being said, surely you will do something to wish a not-so-bon-voyage to the year that brought us a pandemic, lots of hurricanes, murder hornets (which turned to be the most pleasant thing on this list), a highly divisive and toxic presidential election, and Mitch McConnell's political temper tantrum that denied me 8 freakin' grand. Look, what ever you've got planned tonight - just don't make the final hours of this year worse.
How could it get worse? Try one of these not-recommended activities and find out (please don't).
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