Learn to Draw From Comic Book Great Todd McFarlane
Ever since I can remember, I have LOVED comic books. Even to this day, I have a massive collection. Aside from the great stories and characters, the thing that caught my eye as a child and still grabs my attention to this day is the art. Some of the greatest artists of all time were comic book artists. Jack Kirby, Neal Adams, Mike Zeck, George Perez, etc are all absolutely incredible.
But, one of my favorite comic artists of all time, hands down, is Todd McFarlane. Todd has used his craft to reinvent and/or reinvigorate some of the greatest comic characters of all time. From Spider-Man to the Hulk. From Batman to Daredevil. He even created his own iconic character with Spawn.
So, when it comes to drawing, the 'Todd-father' knows what he's talking about. Which is why this is an incredible opportunity. Right now, Todd is giving drawing lessons on his Facebook and Instagram pages. You can learn the craft of drawing and creating art from one of the masters! How awesome is that?
Check out some of Todd's instructional videos below:
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