Red River Revel Changing the Way You Pay
Starting this year, you won't have to purchase coupons for your purchases at the Red River Revel. Revel officials announced a new payment method for this years' festival. Revel patrons will now have a wristband that you load with money and use not only at the food booths, but also at the art vendor booths as well.

You still have the option to use the paper coupons as currency this year that can be purchased with cash only. Historically though, the paper coupons cannot be exchanged for refunds. How many times have you gotten home only find $15 or $20 worth of coupons in your pocket that you can't use anymore. But with the new wristband system, you can get a refund from the wristband with a small fee applied. Revelers can use cash, credit or debit payments to load the wristband with no additional fees.
“I love it for my kids,” said Red River Revel Director of Marketing, Emerie Eck Gentry. “To be able to give each one a wristband and let them make their own purchases is great. I won’t worry about them losing a handful of coupons but also know they will learn something about budgeting in the process.”
The new wristbands, sponsored by HiTech Computers uses RFID technology as a convenient payment option throughout the Revel. Revel officials expect the new technology will shorten lines, and improve the overall festival experience.
. “Revel Bands are a major asset to the festival,” said Red River Revel Executive Director, Logan Lewis. “Bringing this technology to our historic festival will give us insights into what Revelers are buying, reduce the risk of fraud and theft, and reduce the amount of peoplepower we spend each year counting and reconciling coupon sales. The efficiency of this technology allows the Revel to focus more energy on the customer experience and direct more volunteer hours to needed areas. In addition, it is exciting to finally have an option to refund unspent coupons for the first time in Revel history.”
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