What Celebrity Got Thrown Out Of A Shreveport Pro Wrestling Show

Shreveport, and the Ark-La-Tex as a whole, is a major pro wrestling hub. From the days of Mid South Wrestling at the State Fairgrounds, to Monday Night Raw in Bossier City, we've got some rich pro wrestling history.
For real, did you know Hall of Fame level guys like Jim Ross, Ted DiBiase, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, and The Junkyard Dog all made Shreveport a home in the 1980s? They worked for Mid-South Wrestling and Bill Watts, which meant they were taping matches on the State Fairgrounds, shooting promos at a local TV station, and living life around town in Shreveport.
During those Mid-South days, Shreveport got to see A-list names as well. Andre The Giant, Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Matthew McConaughey...yes, Matthew McConaughey.
So, McConaughey wasn't a wrestler, but he was a fan. In fact, he was such a mark, he was caught throwing things at the performers. Which led to him getting kicked out of the Hirsch...a story he still tells to this day. Jump to the 3:30 mark in this video to hear him tell the story.
But its not just our neck of the woods though. Pro wrestling is a world wide phenomenon. Its also not just us regular people who love pro wrestling. There are a ton of celebrities who love the action too. You might know some of them, but you probably don't know all of them.
Now there's no way we can put a list of ALL the celebrity pro wrestling fans up, and honestly, there's no way we could even rank them. So instead of that, I'm just going to gather some interesting names, and see if any shock you. Let's jump on a list now.
Celebrities That Are Huge Pro Wrestling Fans
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