As of Late, I have Found Myself Wondering What Should I Leave as a Tip?

The standard tipping is anywhere from 18% to 25%. I try to tip the standard 20% no matter where I go. Yes, even when the service is subpar. Lately, I have been seeing suggested tips of 30%, which always makes me wonder if I am undertipping. Is that even a word?

Are We all Tired of Being Told What to Tip?

A bar in California has gone viral because of the four suggested tip options they give patrons. A man went to a bar in the San Diego area called the Catalina Lounge and when he was closing his tab, the screen gave him 4 different suggested tips, 20%,  25%, 50%, and 100%. The man was so shocked at the 100% tip he posted a photo ad the picture has gone viral.

Are These Suggested Tips Predatory Behavior From Bars?

We have all had one too many drinks right? Where you aren't seeing so clearly, maybe you need to focus a little extra to see your tab. There have been times when I have had to pass my receipt to someone to tally up my bill. Sometimes when I am given one of those little handheld machines I just panic and hit the 25% option which normally is the highest option available. What happens if you're too tipsy and hit the 100% option? Should outrageous tip suggestions even be an option?

Have you seen any business suggest more than a 25% tip?

The Top 10 Best Concerts Ever in Shreveport-Bossier City, LA

Gallery Credit: Getty Images

Weird Things On Amazon More Expensive Than A Geek'd Con Ticket

Shreveport's comic con, Geek'd Con, is coming up in August. You can get tickets here, and here are some wild things you can find on Amazon that actually cost more than Geek'd Con tickets.

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